User manual NorCloud

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User manual NorCloud

Welcome to the user manual of NorCloud. Please click any topic below in order to read more about it. Or use the search function in the left menu to find under what topic your search keywords are found.


NorCloud hierarchical structure

Technical requirements


   Log out

   Change or forgot User password


   NorCloud Customer Main Page

   Customer settings

   Create a user

   Create or edit a Project


   NorCloud project main page

   Project dashboard

   Create or edit a Project

   Register a sensor / Add a sensor to a project

   Sound Setup

   System alarms

   Trigger setup menu

   Noise compass

   Lden and Dose setup

   Data view

   Report setup

   Analyze view

   End a project


   Sound sensor main page

   Edit sensor

   Instrument control

   Microphone check

   Delete a sensor from NorCloud

   Setting up your Instrument