NorCloud - the noise monitoring platform

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NorCloud - the noise monitoring platform

NorCloud is a versatile platform for noise monitoring optimized for the Norsonic Instruments Nor145, Nor150, Nor1531 and Nor1545, remotely connected via mobile network, WiFi or LAN.

NorCloud supports automatic collection of sound level data with the possibility to analyze and report automatically using a web browser user interface.

Get started

To get an account you need to have purchased a Norsonic Instrument compatible with NorCloud. Then your local distributor will create a Customer account for you. Ensured that you have the right options installed in the instrument, it is just for you to login, create a project, add the instrument and you are up and running in a very short time.

NorCloud Terms and Conditions applies.

Please follow the links under to find out more :

Kick start with our Quick Start User Guide

Understand the NorCloud User Interface

The complete NorCloud User Manual

Look at our page for Q&A's.

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