Questions and answers

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Questions and answers

Welcome to the questions and answers section. Click on a topic below to open the corresponding questions. You may also use the search function to find help/answers based on a text you see in the NorCloud user interface.

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Sensors - communication

Q: On the instrument Nor145/150, the Remote Connection is disabled (greyed out). What to do?

Q: I try to connect with a mobile modem with SIM-card, but it doesn't work. What to do?

Q: How do I check if I have Internet connection using cellular on a Nor145?

Q - What is the Norsonic NorCloud SIM card?

Q - What are the benefits of using a Norsonic SIM?

Q: When entering Setup -> Instrument -> Communication -> Cellular, I get the message NOT_REGISTERED, why?

Q: When entering Setup -> Instrument -> Communication -> Cellular, I get the message NO_SIGNAL, why?




