NorCloud hierarchical structure

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NorCloud hierarchical structure

NorCloud got a hierarchical design where a Distributor (local representative) is created under Norsonic (Hosting). Under each Distributor the Customer are being created by an Administrator at the distributor. Under the Customer an Administrator User is created.

Each Customer can create as many projects they want and attach as many instruments they need to each project. On each level one or more Users my be defined and given an access level according to their competences and tasks in NorCloud.

For supporting issues Norsonic can access all information down in the entire NorCloud hierarchy. Measurement data cannot be edited. A backup of the data is found stored on the instruments SD card.

For the same reasons (support issues) any User at Distributor level with Administrator rights are able to access and interact with all editable data on all underlying Customer accounts.

In this way both Norsonic and the Distributors will be able to help and support NorCloud Customers with issues related to the Customer Account, Project and Instruments.

Special care must be taken to whom is given Administrator rights, to protect against unauthorized access to data.

Customer Users with administrator rights can add new Users, at Customer or Project level. All users of NorCloud are personally responsible to keep their username and password combination secret, according to Norsonic’s Terms and Conditions for the use of NorCloud.

If full privacy is needed, Norsonic can offer a local installation of NorCloud within your own closed network. Please ask us for a quote.

NorCloud architecture

Data and access in NorCloud is arranged according to the following hierarchical structure:

1. Norsonic (Hosting, Maintenance and Superusers)

2. Distributor

3. Customer

4. Projects

5. Sensors

Users from a higher position in the hierarchy can access levels of a lower position in the hierarchy.

Users from a lower position in a hierarchy cannot access levels above their position in the hierarchy.

A User can only hold one position in the hierarchy, meaning a User cannot be connected to more than one customer or distributor at the same time!

NorCloud hierarchical structure

NorCloud hierarchical structure