End a project

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End a project

A NorCloud project can first be ended when all of its sensors have been set to historical.

At this point you can:

Keep the project in the Historical project list for your records.

a.Click on gear-solid Edit project settings in the Feature menu.

b.Switch the Status to "Historical" and click Save.

c.Now this project will be listed under Historical Projects.

d.When a project is historical, no credit points will be running for the project except storage costs. See credit estimate for more info.

Delete the project (administrators only):

a.Click on gear-solid Edit project settings in the Feature menu.

b.Switch the Status to "Historical" and click Save.

c.Find and select the project in the list of Historical Projects.

d.Click trash-solid Delete that you find in the Feature menu. You will be asked to reconfirm the action.

Please remember that the delete operation will completely remove all project data from the NorCloud server and that this operation cannot be undone. Files on the instrument will not be deleted.

To store historical data on the NorCloud server you need an active customer subscription. When your subscription is ended, all your data stored on the NorCloud server will be lost.