NorCloud Customer Main Page

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NorCloud Customer Main Page

When you login to your customer account this what welcomes you, after projects have been added to your customer and running for a while:

NorCloud customer main page

NorCloud customer main page

With the following page elements:

1.Top bar
The top bar is common throughout the site and is described here: Top Bar.

2.Feature Menu
gear-solid Edit Customer to edit and/or add details about the customer.
user-solid Add/remove/edit Users at Customer level.
calculator-solid Do a Credit estimate of a project.
plus-solid Add a new Project.

3.Element List
On the Customer page, the Element list will display only the active projects as default.
Choose between showing Active and Historical projects which are set individually for each project.

Here you will have some statistical information about the projects and sensors used by this customer
Sensor Administration
A list of all sensors and their information and status.
The list of other tabs from the customer dashboard are described here.

Depending on the access level of your login, you might or not have access to features described here.