NorCloud project main page

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NorCloud project main page

When you are in the project main page you see this:

Project main page modified

Depending on the access level of your login, you might or not have access to all the features described here.

1. Top Bar

The top bar is common throughout the site and is described here: Top Bar.

2. Feature Menu

ogear-solid Edit Project settings

ouser-solid Users settings

oSoundMeter Sound Setup to define the Measurement setup/ Instrument settings

oexclamation-solid System Alarms settings

obell-solid Trigger Setup

ocompass-solid Noise compass settings

orectangle-list-solid Lden and Dose setup

ofile-solid Report Setup

ocalendar-days-solid Data View

3. Sensor list

On the Project page, the Element list will display the sensors allocated to this project.

In the up-most position you can select to show "Active"or "Historical" sensors, or both can be viewed, depending on the project settings.

Sensor visibility can be turned on and off with the switch toggle-on-solid. Turning these switches on and off will not affect whether the instrument is measuring (running) or not (idle/saved).

Click on the sensor name to edit sensor settings.

4. Project dashboard

The project dashboard will give you tools to review the measurements. More information is located here.