Setting up the Noise Compass in NorCloud

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Setting up the Noise Compass in NorCloud

The Noise Compass must be of type Nor1297 and installed into a Nor1545/B cabinet fitted with connectors and power supply for this option.


It is important to read the instruction manual for Nor1297 to understand how the device works.

To get Noise Compass to work you need a Standard subscription or better with 1 sec time measurement resolution or shorter. Check that the sound setup ProfileA is set to one second or faster.

Project must be set to send data continuous to cloud; see Project settings.

Enable Noise Compass on the instrument following these few steps:

1.Stop and exit (pressing the red X-button on the instrument) any ongoing measurement.

2.Ensure that the IP configuration on the instrument is set compatible with the Noise compass. By default the Noise compass has fixed IP with subnet mask Go to Setup -> Instrument -> Communication -> LAN to set the IP address configuration for the instrument. E.g., with default settings, the instrument can be set up to use with subnet mask

3.Go to: SETUP -> INPUT -> Noise Compass.

4.Tap on 'Noise Compass' soft button to enter the NoiseCompass setup menu.

5.Enable (green-v )the noise compass that is listed with an serial number and an IP.

6.Save and Exit (blue-green-v)

7.Enable (green-v)the Noise Compass in the 'Input Channels' page that now features the serial number of your selected NoiseCompass.

8.Save and Exit (blue-green-v)back to the instruments idle mode.

9.Place the Noise Compass in its position with the "north indicator" pointing at the geographical north.

10.Make sure the instrument is in NorCloud mode.

Enable upload of Noise compass data to NorCloud by following these few steps

1.In your project main page, find the appropriate sensor from the sensor list and click on it.

2.Click on the gear-solid "Edit sound sensor" icon in the left menu.

3.Go to External channels (below Connection on the right hand side) and check the Noise compass channel tick box. Ensure it is enabled and shows status Connected.

4.Now you can set up the Noise compass sectors.

5.Start the measurement.

For more information about the Noise compass, see the Nor1297 instruction manual that follows the delivery of the Noise Compass.