Weather station in NorCloud

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Weather station in NorCloud

The weather station must be of type Thies Clima US and installed into a Nor1545 cabinet fitted with connectors and power supply for this option.

The weather data is aggregated up to 1 minute profile. The data is compressed in normal average calculation except for the following functions:

Wind direction : Will only be handled if Wind function has value equal or more than 1 m/s. That means this function need to have Wind (speed) function active. The wind direction is an average value of all the profileA samples into one minute.

Rain : Will be summarized for each 1 minute (not averaged).

Enable weather data in the instrument by following these few steps:

Stop and exit any ongoing measurement

Turn off the instrument and connect the weather station

Turn on the instrument

Go to SETUP -> Input and enable the Weather station, ensure that it doesn't display any error messages

Go to SETUP -> Measurement -> Weather functions

Activate the parameters you want to log from "Wind speed" to "Air pressure"

Save to Exit

Start the measurement in NorCloud Mode

Enable upload of weather data to NorCloud by following these few steps

In you project, find the appropriate sensor from the sensor list and click on it.

Click on the gear-solid "Edit sound sensor" icon in the left menu.

Go to External channels (below Connection on the right hand side) and check the Weather channel tick box. Ensure it is enabled and shows status Connected.
Weather station enabled original

Click on Save. Click on the x-solid Exit icon in the left menu.

In the graph view it will start to log weather data and you will see an additional row below the graph with weather data.
Graph with weather data original


If you want to download the measurement and use the weather data in NorReview having the same resolution as on the instrument (profileA instead of 1 minute), the measurement data must be downloaded from the instrument's SD-card directly, not via NorCloud.