Sound Setup

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Sound Setup

Click the SoundMeter Sound setup icon that you find in the left vertical menu from the Project view. This is where you set up your measurement. This setup will be applied for all sound instruments in the Project, and it will override any settings already defined on the instrument.

Sound setup original

In the Sound Setup you will find the following headers, click on them to find out more:



Audio Recording


In the top menu you have the following options:

Save - saves any changes, send new setup to the instruments and exit the Sound setup page

Cancel - exit the Sound setup page without saving any changes

Save As - Saves a copy of this setup. Choose to make it available to all projects or just within current project

Load - Load a saved setup

A change in a setup might be in conflict with current definition (e.g. change in time definitions), and hence the ongoing measurement period (max 1hour) must end before the new setup can be implemented.

Loading a stored setup will overwrite the current setup. This action can not be undone.

Please note that if you change the Timing for profileA, have a Noise compass connected and are planning to use NorReview to view the measurements, it is advised that the Noise compass is disconnected and reconnected in the instrument settings to get the correct timing on the Noise compass.

See also other things to set up:


Special functions