System alarms

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System alarms

System alarms in NorCloud are Project defined alarms about the instruments, and not alarms regarding the measurement itself. You will find the exclamation-solid System Alarm settings in the left menu in project view.

Alarm setup original

Alarms will be displayed under the Alarm Tab in the Project dashboard, but you can also define a set of recipients of these alarms separated by comma or space in the text fields above. You got two possibilities of sending alarms, via email or via sms (if system is online via a LTE modem). There can be as many recipients as you need, and the recipients does not need to be a NorCloud user.

To avoid receiving too many messages you can define the time period between two alarm notifications. When a period is due you will receive a message with a complete list of alarms registered during this period.

The following System alarms are available:

Alarm description




Communication problem with NorCloud




Device has been turned off




Measurement has been stopped




Error when receiving data from Sensor



This occurs if uploading e.g. measurement data has failed more than once. This is normally caused by mobile network (external) issues, SIM-card issues or modem issues.

Normally, in time, the upload will succeed and everything is synchronized.

Failed to send data to Sensor




Memory error SDCard missing or in error




Free space is less than



If the space is less than indicated percentage of the SD card capacity, an alarm will be sent.

Exernal voltage



If the input voltage to the instrument drops below this number, the alarm message will be sent.

Remaining battery level




Digital input 2



Read more about digital input in the respective manuals for Nor145 and Nor150. An example here is to send an alarm when the cabinet holding the instrument is opened.

Installation failed



New firmware/application software downloaded from NorCloud failed to install.




If temperature is above this level, the alarm message will be sent.

Communication problem with external channel




Please Note:
- Remember to activate the tick box square-check-solid to activate the message/alarm.
- Remember to fill inn an Alarm message to avoid receiving alarms without any description/ text.
- To separate the recipients you must use space, comma or semicolon.
- It is strongly recommended to activate alarms, especially on power outage.

Click on Save to store the settings and go back. After storing, the active/inactive alarms will be sent to the instrument and enabled/disabled as the current settings.