Audio recording

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Audio recording

Here you enable recording, define the fidelity of the audio recording, Continuous Recording, Quality, Format, the gain and eventual a pre-trigger. You can also disable the audio recording feature in the project, by turning it OFF.

Sampling Rate / Resolution

NorCloud offers two sampling frequencies (12 kHz and 48 kHz) and three resolutions/ formats (8 – 16 – 24 bit).

A sampling frequency of 48 kHz in combination with 24 bit resolution reflects closely to the basic accuracy of the instrument and should be used if further processing of the signal is requested.

When sampling frequency is set to 12 kHz, only frequencies up to 5 kHz can be reproduced. This would be sufficient for most noise source identifications.

A disadvantage for using an unnecessary high quality is the big amount of data that needs to be stored.

Continuous Audio Recording

A switch in the sound setup/recording menu enables you to turn on continuous audio recording. The audio recording is stored locally on the noise terminal. You may zoom in and mark and replay just a part of the recording which is of interest. This feature will fill up the SD card on the noise terminal quite rapidly, depending on the resolution and sampling frequency and size of the SD card. Thus, the audio data will be available for a limited time period. It is not possible to upload or replay any data for the current hour. (The noise terminal makes a new measurement every hour and merges this with previous measurements to a continuous L/t trace.) Only a finished measurement is possible to upload / replay. In other words; you may replay any part before the last full hour. To play a recording, zoom the area in the L/t graph until you get the option to play the audio recording when selecting the designated area. Here is more information about the audio player.

The continuous audio recording feature works with instrument application version 3.0.2202 and above.

If you want triggers to start the recording into events and recording files uploaded automatically to NorCloud, you should enable recording and disable continuous recording.


Our instruments has a large dynamic range – exceeding 120 dB. This means that if you try to play back the recorded sound you will – in most cases – hear nothing.

To overcome this issue you can introduce a gain applied to the recorded sound only. Please be aware that by doing so the dynamic range for the recording is reduced accordingly. All other parts of the measurement are left unaffected by this gain setting.

The upper range for the recording will be the upper level for the instrument minus the selected recorded gain. The upper range for the instrument is dependent of the calibration, but is normally 130 dB (140 dB peak). The recording gain can be set to 0 dB to 60 dB.

From version 2023-01-10 of NorCloud, it is possible to Normalize a recording when listening to it.

Please note that 0 dB gain and 8/16-bit recording will result in much noise at low levels without increasing the gain. Use 24 bit if you want better dynamic range and still use 0 dB gain.


The pre-trigger function allows the recording to include up to 120 seconds of recording before the triggered event. See also the event related terminology.

The duration of a recording and how it shall be started/ triggered is configured in the bell-solid Event triggers menu.

To make recordings with your instrument please assure that you have this option installed in your instrument. If not option 4 is present no recordings will be made despite the setting in NorCloud