Audio player

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Audio player

The audio player can be opened by doing one of the following:

Select an area in the graph and choose play recording.

Click the microphone-solid recording icon inside a list of events.

The player opens in the bottom right corner and looks like this:

NorCloud audio player screenshot

NorCloud audio player screenshot

When playing a recording, the cursor will follow the recording in all views, such as L/t and the noise compass in the map.

The audio player gives the following possibilities and information from left to right in the picture above:

circle-play-solid circle-pause-solid Play and pause playback of the recording.

Playback position in seconds from the start.

circle-solid Playback indicator.

Simplified waveform of the recording.

Length of the recording in seconds.

scissors-solid Do a simple edit of where the start and end of the recording is. Confirm with the check-solid icon.

chart-area-solid Show a simple spectrogram of the recording.

download-solid Download the recording. The recording will include editing as mentioned above.

download-solid Upload the recording. This will create a new duplicated event with the recording including any modifications of the recording, e.g. cropping or normalizing.

The maximum length of a recording for one event is 30 minutes. There is also a timeout on downloading the recording that is one minute due to instrument stability when doing measurements in parallel. That means some shorter recordings will not be able to download.