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Navigation:  User manual NorCloud > Project > Sound Setup >


In the Filter menu you select the bandwidth, 1/1 or 1/3 octave and the frequency range. The filters complies with IEC 61260 (2014) class 1.

1/1 octave filters: 0,5 Hz – 16 kHz

1/3 octave filters: 0,4 Hz – 20 kHz

The frequency weightings networks are not affected by the frequency range setting of the 1/1 or 1/3 octave band filters since they are true weighting networks and not calculated from the 1/1 or 1/3 octave band filters.

No Filter data recorded? Make sure you have the needed options installed in your instrument.


From here, you may also enable the ultrasound mode, where the instrument can measure up to 31,5 or 40 kHz.

Please read the instrument manual carefully before measuring ultrasound.

Ultrasound only works on channel one. Please disable channel 2 on the instrument (Nor150) before enabling ultrasound.


When enabling FFT under Functions, you can also choose between high and low density for FFT, i.e., 2.92 and 1.46 Hz resolutions.