Report setup

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Report setup

In NorCloud it is possible to design your own report templates, and generate daily reports based on data collected by your sensors on NorCloud.

file-solid The Report setup function is found in the left menu in the Project view.

The reports can be generated by NorCloud's own Report Generator that results in a report customized to fit the Company or a Project profile.

The top menu consists of these choices in addition to the normal Save and Cancel buttons:

Report template, click on this to handle the report templates.

Report designer, clicking on this will open the Template designer where you can design your own report templates.

Text Reports, click on this to setup Text reports.

Transfer Sites, click on this to setup automatic transfer of reports to FTP(s) or HTTP(s) sites.

How to setup automatically generated reports?

To create the task of generating a report you click the Add button within the Report Setup view:

Report setup modified

From here, you can define the following:

Field name

Optional / Required

Data in field




File name

Select the report template file name



All or one sensor name

Select the sensors the report shall get the data from, all or just one



Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Every measurement

Choose how often the report will be created. Please note the every measurement will create a report every hour or whenever the instrument stops measuring. Read more about this in the Timing topic.




When just a part of the day is subject of the report




When just a part of the day is subject of the report



Valid email addresses

If a copy of the report is to be sent to one or more mail addresses. Separate several emails with comma or space. Leave it blank when no email should be sent.

Generate from



Choose the date from which the reports will be generated or regenerated.

To manually generate reports within a given time span, use the generate report function from the Project dashboard.

Please keep in mind that you may change the template or create a new template and (re)generate the reports as long as the measurements exists. Look at the storage management in order to set up how long measurements and reports will exist in NorCloud before deletion.

When a transfer site has been set up, you can switch between normal report generation on the NorCloud server or push to HTTPS, FTPS or FTP. Click on the Reports<->Data transfer switch to do that.


How to see a list of created reports?

Enter the Project dashboard by clicking Save or Cancel from this window and click on the Reports tab.