Text reports

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Text reports

Text reports are measurement data exported as simple files containing the data. The export formats supported are plain ascii text files (Txt), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files or Comma Separated Values files (CSV).

When clicking on Text reports, this window will open:

Text Reports setup

Main parameters

Field name

Optional / Required

Data in field




Text string

This is the name of the template.

Select template


Select available templates

Select from a list of previously made templates to review, make changes on them or edit and saving them as another template.

Template type


Txt, JSON or CSV

Choose the file type to export to. The export formats supported are plain ascii text files (Txt), Java Script Object Notation (JSON) files or Comma Separated Values files (CSV).


Report content settings

Press the add button to add more columns containing data in the text files.

Field name

Optional / Required

Data in field




All or single

Select what sensor to show data from.

If you are creating a generic report for several projects, it is required to use All. Selecting a single sensor will only work in this particular project as the NorCloud sensor ID are unique for each project even if their tic id is the same.



1 or 2

Select what channel on the instrument to display.



Profile and function

Choose from ProfileA, Moving, ProfileX, Profile hour, MinMax and Dose. For some of these functions to be enabled, they are required to be set up under sound setup or Lden and Dose setup.