Report designer add table

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Report designer add table

When the table-solid Add table button is clicked and Table is selected from the given drop-down menu, a window for setting up the table is shown:

Report designer add table

Field name

Optional / Required

Data in field




Hour, Day or Total

Time span of the table which is viewed. Hour is only selectable when the Period Day is set in the page settings.




Choose a time from and to which data is to be calculated and displayed. E.g., 00:00 to 00:00, 07:00 to 19:00 (day), 23:00 to 07:00 (night) or 07:00 to 07:00.



Left, Center or Right

This is the text alignment for the whole table. Default is left text alignment.

Table Design


Lines, Bordered or Borderless


Show/Hide table layout

Press the Show table layout button in order to get more options for the table:

Report designer table layout options

Field name

Optional / Required

Data in field



Optional (hidden toggle)

Size, Color, Background color

This will create an extra row at the top with info about each column if shown. If it is hidden and the Period is set to Day or Total, the columns will be transposed for each time span with measurement data displayed.

Total vertically

Optional (hidden toggle)

Size, Color, Background color

This will create an extra row at the bottom with logarithmic summation of the numbers.

Total horizontally

Optional (hidden toggle)

Size, Color, Background color

This will create an extra column to the right with logarithmic summation of the numbers.


Optional (hidden toggle)

Size, Color, Background color

This will create an extra column to the right with logarithmic averaging of the numbers.

Row header format


Different date/time formats

This will change the formatting of the first column showing the time and date for each row of measurement data.

Column settings (sensor, profile etc.)

When pressing the Add button, a new line will be created representing one or more columns containing data from the measurements according to the parameters given:

Field name

Optional / Required

Data in field




All or single

Select what sensor to show data from.

If you are creating a generic report for several projects, it is required to use All. Selecting a single sensor will only work in this particular project as the NorCloud sensor ID are unique for each project even if their tic id is the same.



1 or 2

Channel 2 only applies to Nor150.



Profile and function

Choose from Profile hour, TriggerTime, TriggerTimePst and Weather (requires a weather station connected).

The TriggerTime or TriggerTimePst shows the time or percentage of time where the given function has been above the given level.




If nothing is typed here, standard notations are used depending on what profile and function is selected.



See below

See below




This is a dB correction that should be added to the numbers displayed for this particular line (column(s)).

Trigger settings

On each sensor line, press the angle-right-solid button on the right to open the trigger settings:

Report designer table trigger settings

Here you can set custom text formatting if the values are above or below a given number, e.g., a noise limit value. Enter custom Text in the Label field to add extra text whenever the condition occurs. The Color parameter only applies to the extra text given in Label. The background settings applies to the entire cell.

Close the window to save the changes.

After saving the changes, table entries with dummy data is produced to give an impression on how it is going to look.