Working with templates

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Working with templates

After opening a template or creating a new template and given it a name, the work on the template can begin.


Working with templates original

Add pages

Before starting any work, a page has to be created. Click the + Button under Pages and a new page will be added and some properties are shown below:

Report designer page handling original

Field name

Optional / Required

Data in field





This is the name of the page. Default is Page 0, Page 1, etc.



Total, Day or Week

Time span of the report. The possible content available for the reports depend on this setting.



Portrait or Landscape


Grid size



Size in pixels for locking each container elements to when placing them. If set to 0, no lock will be applied. Default value is 25 px.

Please note that pages can be dragged up and down to reorder them.

Add header and footer

This will add a header and footer that will be common for all the pages.

Delete header and footer

After adding a header or footer, it will be possible to delete them again.

Adding content to a page

Now it is time to add content to a page.