IP Camera

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IP Camera

It is possible to setup the instrument to take pictures whenever an event trigger condition occurs and send the picture to NorCloud as part of a generated event.

Requirements and limitations

The current supported IP camera is of type Axis.

Only external IP camera can be used for pictures to be sent to NorCloud. The internal camera of the Nor150 is not supported.

Video is not supported at the moment, only pictures.

The instruments requires network access to the camera. It is recommended that the camera has a fixed IP address.

Please beware that there will be a small delay from the event occurs to the picture is taken.

Setting up an IP Camera on the instrument

Ensure that the IP Camera is up and running with an accessible IP address.

On the instrument, go to Setup -> Measurement -> Camera.

In the camera selection, click on the add button at the bottom:
Add camera on instrument original

Fill in the appropriate IP Address, username and password.
Add camera on instrument 2 original

Choose a delay if applicable.

After confirming with the green-v button, you will get the newly added camera in your overview:
Camera selection

Ensure that both the added camera and Allow Device camera(s) is checked green-v.

Confirm with green-v.

Enabling camera in NorCloud

Go to event trigger setup, select the event trigger you want pictures taken for and check the picture button as an Action.